Apr 21 2014

GEM Systems Upcoming Events From Around the World!

GEM Systems Upcoming Events From Around the World! With all of the advancements and innovations GEM Systems pioneers in the magnetometer industry, it’s important that we make our presence felt at the top events around the world.  There are three upcoming events we are attending in three distinctly different regions that we are really looking forward to. Expomin – Santiago, Chile   The Expomin event takes place in the South American city of Santiago, Chile from April 21 – 25, 2014.  Santiago is the capital of Chile and it is more than 1,700 feet above sea level, with both mountains…

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Apr 4 2014

Does Atlantis Exist?

You may know that GEM Systems’ equipment have been used to help assist modern day Indiana Joneses on exhausting archaeological digs. But did you know that researchers have also used our equipment on a hunt for the mythical lost city of Atlantis? Above is a rendering of the rings of Atlantis in Doñana Park, Spain that may have existed thousands of years ago. Image: nationalgeographic.com Our highly advanced magnetometers have been dispatched to the Doñana mud flats in Doñana National Park in southern Spain. There, the sensitive equipment was deployed at the survey site, with the sensors – some strapped…

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Apr 2 2014

How GEM’s Sensors Help Detect Underwater Bombs

GEM Systems produces magnetometers for a variety of applications – even for scouring out still-dangerous bombs hidden underwater. Our technology has been strapped to a rig dangled some 30 metres underneath a helicopter as it is sent flying out over the water. The lowest part of the rig, which contains GEM’s sensitive magnetometer equipment, flies just two metres above the surface of the water. This tight span is carefully measured by a downward-pointing laser positioned towards the back of the rig. The distance does not leave much in the way of wiggle room, making for a very narrow margin of…

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