Welcome to Quantum, a periodic e-newsletter for professionals working with magnetic technologies. Quantum is designed to keep you up to speed on applications, case histories, and evolutions of quantum magnetometers in a variety of disciplines.
Digital prospection tools, such as magnetometers, offer proven methods for environmentally-friendly archaeological prospection. They also reduce survey costs, deliver high-volume detailed data; illuminate subtle or invisible phenomena; and help plan digs for maximum efficiency and selective recovery. Here, we look at an example of the use of magnetics for prospection as well as a notice for an upcoming workshop of general interest:
Magnetics has played a significant role in Earthquake studies over decades. Based on the theory of piezomagnetism and / or piezokinetics, it has occasionally produced startling results that could not, however, be either confirmed or repeated.
The main reason appears to be poor sensitivity of the instruments employed traditionally. Existing systems managed 1 – 4 nT overall noise and induction coils improved this to some 0.025 nT or 25 pT. Now, however, GEM’s novel SuperGrad technology is providing an alternate, ultra-high sensitivity approach to detecting these low-bandwidth magnetic phenomena.
To see some of the research and initiatives in progress, please select from the links below:
GEM’s R&D group is pleased to announce that it will soon be releasing version 7.0 of its leading magnetometers. The new â€Å“Efficiency†release has been implemented for greater speed in handling input and output and to provide additional GPS functionality.
For a short overview of the new features in version 7.0 (Standard Line Format for Data Input, GPS Triggered Readings, Picket Marking, GPS Elevation for Enhanced Magnetic Data Modeling, Enhanced Positioning Resolution for GPS surveys, GEM-VIS QC / Visualization Software Bundle, < 1m Internal GPS Capability and more), click here.
GEM has added a software bundle for spatial geophysical data developed through geophysical software developer, Encom Technology of Australia.
The GEM-VIS software package complements GEM̢۪s GEMLinkW download software. can quickly and easily import data into GEM-VIS and view data in 1D, 2D or 3D as required. Line annotation, posting and other functions are also provided. Grid utility and magnetic modeling add-ons enhance the capabilities of GEM-VIS as required by users.
GEM-VIS is available either through the v7.0 release or on a standalone basis. Users are provided with an easy-to-read manual, and the software is intuitive enough that it can be easily learned and then put to good use in the field or office. For more information on GEM-VIS, click here.
One of the hot trends in near surface characterization or â€Å“shallow†geophysics is the development of single-operator towed arrays (cart technologies) that can save survey time and provide a robust platform for acquiring noise-free data. HydroGEOPHYSICS Inc. of Tuscon, Arizona and GEM collaborated in 2003 on developing a cart technology with the potential for integrated magnetic, electromagnetic and other arrays.
After years of challenges, the mineral exploration industry appears buoyant again as measured by the record attendance figures at the 2004 Prospectors and Developers conference in Toronto in mid-March. Nearly 12,000 investors and industry professionals attended ( a 50 per cent jump on the 1996 record) — encouraged by higher prices for gold and an increase in global metals consumption.
Also highlighted were some spectacular new exploration discoveries including Ivanhoe Mines’ copper-gold discovery in Mongolia – a project in which GEM GSM-19 Overhauser magnetometers are in routine use. And, ground magnetics continues to illuminate geology with advanced technology as measured by examples from junior miners.
A variety of magnetic observatory installations are taking the opportunity to re-tool their installations with new systems, including GEM̢۪s unique Suspended dIdD, EUROMAG, and GSM-19 offerings. The appeal is based on the long-term measuring stability and accuracy which is a basic design criterion for GEM.
In the news are organizations such as:
Organizations procured a combination of EUROMAG, Suspended dIdD, and GSM-19W and GSM-19GW units. EUROMAG and Suspended dIdD are used for scalar and vector measurements respectively. GSM-19 series units are used for local surveys as well as base station applications.
A group of earth science companies (GEM Advanced Magnetometers, Encom Technology, GISCO, Allied Associates Geophysical Ltd., Geostudi Astier SRL, and Terraplus Canada) is sponsoring an essay award program in magnetics for students enrolled in post-secondary institutions.
The program is intended to support the next generation of geoscience professionals through financial awards and access to professional magnetometer software. It also focuses on magnetic methods as one of the key geophysical methods for addressing today̢۪s earth science challenges in a variety of disciplines. Students have until Friday April 9th to submit their essays. For more details, visit https://www.gemsys.ca/magnetic_essays.htm
The Colorado School of Mines recently purchased a K-Mag (GEM’s unique ultra-high sensitivity optically pumped Potassium instrument). The K-Mag has been attracting considerable interest from academic institutions seeking to upgrade their old technology proton and cesium magnetometers to the latest Potassium magnetometer and gradiometer technology.
GEM’s optically pumped Potassium tool also makes a good instrument for serious geophysical students – enabling them to evaluate results with an entirely new level of sensitivity and accuracy. The K-Mag minimizes heading error to a level of + / – 0.025 nT which avoids the problem of “drop-outs” often seen in cesium systems.
One of the interesting trends noted recently is the availability of Unmanned Automated Vehicles (UAVs) for airborne magnetometer and gradiometer surveys. Various groups have been working on developing the platforms and compensation systems as well as integrating the sensing mechanics for recording magnetic measurements.
Although they are still in their infancy, these systems have benefits for surveying in terrains (marshes, swamps, or mined areas, etc.) where acquisition of ground magnetic data may not be feasible. GEM is pleased to be able to provide its K-Mag technology (GSMP-30A) for these types of platforms. For more information on the GSMP-30A technology, click here.
GEM is known for its innovation and development of many new systems over the years. However, as our customers note, it can be difficult to get an up-to-date perspective of GEM’s developments as technical enhancements are made on a continuing basis. Therefore, we have created a summary of GEM products to help navigate through the GEM geophysical equipment landscape.
To access a text-based overview, click here. More detailed information can be accessed by clicking here. Lastly, as you navigate our website, please note that the “Products” menu provides an overview of applications as well as detailed specifications for our instrumentation systems. The “Applications” menu provides an overview of magnetometers and gradiometers for specific uses.
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Copyright 2004. GEM Systems, Inc. Advanced Magnetometers. All rights reserved with the exception of organizations that have contributed links to this issue. Our thanks to the contributors who have made this edition possible, and who are identified in the text of related articles or through their company websites. Note that some quotes relating to industry-specific trends may have been obtained from public-domain sources, and are not intended to promote GEM Systems, Inc. Other examples may not necessarily reflect GEM products; rather these examples are intended to illustrate the use of magnetics and magnetometry for selected applications.
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