Innovation and Reliability Since 1980

Mineral Exploration Applications

Mineral Exploration

Magnetics are the most commonly used geophysical method for gold, diamond, platinum group metals and base metal exploration.

Select any type of gold project, (quartz vein, sulphide-hosted, shear zone, alluvial or placer) and you will see magnetic reconnaissance maps or detailed maps for drilling. In gold exploration, magnetics helps in direct detection of associated mineralization and for mapping large- and local-scale structure (faults, dykes, and shear zones). In diamond exploration, the magnetic technique helps assess kimberlites as shown by the example of leading junior exploration groups. For details, click here.

Easy-to-Use Mapping Tools for Geologists

Mapping Tools

Re-allocation of resources in exploration is one of the significant trends of the last five years. Now, geologists – especially in junior exploration groups – are being called upon to address new challenges, including directing field crews or possibly, performing detail-level, ground-based geophysical surveys.

Performing ground magnetic surveys has never been easier. Easy-to-use instrumentation plus stream-lined software make acquisition and interpretation of magnetic data more effective than in years past (see case histories below).

“We use airborne magnetics with helicopter surveys as well. In spite of doing these surveys, we still have to get on the ground for confirmation. There are always challenges in exactly positioning anomalies and ground work is essential. I’m all for using ground magnetics … it’s the best way to locate targets for drilling.” George Read , President, Canabrava (Diamond Exploration).

“We are very happy with our GSM-19 which has assisted the company as a great prospecting tool.” Louis Doyle, President / CEO, Barker Minerals (Gold and Base Metal Exploration).

For your next project, put GEM’s leading systems to work, and improve your prospects for success using magnetics – the data that both major and junior exploration groups rely on for performing reconnaissance exploration and making drilling decisions. For information, contact GEM Advanced Magnetometers.

Powerful Capabilities for Geophysicists

Geophysicists continue to rely on GEM magnetometers for acquiring low noise, high sensitivity results to assist in exploration. Geophysicists in major exploration and contracting groups have been key players in helping establish GEM as the global standard for magnetic data acquisition.

Some of the key benefits of GEM for geophysical professionals, include reduction of surveying times through GPS-based data acquisition and acquisition of high quality data for input into advanced software processing and modeling packages. In addition, GEM offers the highest specifications for reliability and robustness today. For more details, please see the technical information provided below.

Exploration Case Histories

Case histories are challenging to acquire in mineral exploration as exploration companies value their data and their data privacy. However, there are numerous public domain case histories for GEM from junior exploration groups. A set of these is provided below (in order of most recent to oldest).

June, 2003. Barker Minerals. Overview. (VMS). Preliminary prospecting with a GSM-19 VLF-Magnetometer near the massive sulphide boulders indicated a nearby conductor. Once the orientation was determined, a trench across the zone was proposed. The trench led to a very significant discovery which is the first volcanogenic massive sulphide discovery ever made in the Barkerville terrane.

June 2003 (VMS). Barker Minerals. Frank Creek Project. Barker Minerals discovered and is systematically exploring a polymetallic, volcanogenic massive sulphide (VMS) zone located along the southern extension of the 3.7 million ounce historic Cariboo gold district in east-central B.C., Canada (the Ace project)

June 2003. Sample Data fom Barker Minerals. Ace Prosject. (VMS) Frank Creek, which is also known as Goose Creek, has seen sporadic placer mining, since the turn of the century.

March 2003. Micrex Developoment Corp. The St. Charles de Bourget Deposit, (Magnetite / Titanium). A tightly spaced ground survey was done using two GSM 19 Overhauser Proton Procession Gradient Magnetometers. The data will be linked to a GPS survey and the two sets of data will be merged onto a digital map base. This will give a detailed picture of the deposit to depth and can be used to assist drill program planning …

2000. Sample data from Australia. (Gold). A mining company is interested in the structures associated with magnetic highs …

2000. Ground Geophysical and Geochemical Report on the Tea Group of Claims. Contractor’s Report. (Base Metals). In 2000, R. H. Stanfield conducted work on a group of claims in the Tea Group area. Descriptive text on magnetometer work is on pages 9 and 19 and data samples are on pages 18, 19 and 20 of the report.

Applying the Latest Magnetic Technologies

GEM is at the forefront of developing advanced magnetometers and gradiometers for mineral exploration, and has been ranked as the industry leader for more than 2 decades. One of the keys lies in ongoing R&D as evidenced by our ground products:

Potassium magnetometers are the most sensitive, commercially available magnetometer/gradiometer systems. The GSMP-35 ground system is the instrument with the highest sensitivity and the greatest absolute accuracy for subsurface investigations in numerous fields, including, but not limited to, mineral prospecting and exploration, oil & gas exploration, UXO detection and discrimination, and environmental & engineering.

Overhauser delivers high sensitivity with the sampling required to characterize mineralization and structures effectively. Overhauser magnetometers are also being used increasingly for mobile applications, such as snow-mobile or all-terrain vehicle (ATV) based surveys, which can be combined with VLF survey options.

Proton Precession systems are designed to fit the niche for clients who require a low-cost, yet robust and reliable magnetometers for ground geophysical surveys. This system is an entry-level system for clients who require an advanced system without the higher-order features and benefits of GEM’s Overhauser and Potassium systems.

GEM’s airborne technology has been proven on Fixed Wing, Helicopter and UAV platforms and offers a quick, efficient alternative to ground surveys. Its success is due to its quality components, specially designed for high resolution and noise-free data.

UAVs are a natural fit for a mineral exploration for a number of reasons. Manned flights in remote areas are dangerous and cost significant resources to support, including mechanics, fuel dumps and more. UAVs are easier to launch, mobilize, set up and refuel. Moreover, UAVs can fly in most weather and at night – giving significant productivity gains over conventional airborne surveys.

Selecting the Solution for Your Next Project

Magnetics for Exploration

Major / junior exploration companies and geophysical contractors have standardized on GEM for use in many geologic environments around the world. The following resources can help you on the path to achieving their levels of exploration success:

For more information, contact our magnetometer experts at 905-752-2202 or email us at . We look forward to helping you select a system that will enhance your exploration productivity and effectiveness – both for today and tomorrow.



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