1.Firmware (i.e. instrument software) upgrades are shipped as an attachment to emails. Save the attached source file to a location of your choice in your computer. Note that the source files are normally named as the serial number of the unit.
2.If you already have GEMLinkW 3.0 installed on your computer skip to step 3. Otherwise, click here to access the GEMLinkW download page. Download the correct version for your operating system. When prompted choose the “Save File to disk” option and remember in which directory you saved the file.
If you have previous versions of GEMLinkW installed, it is recommended to uninstall the old version before installing the new one. To uninstall, click START, select SETTINGS, and click Control Panel. Then double-click ADD REMOVE PROGRAMS. Select GEMLinkw from the list and click ADD/REMOVE.
After download is completed, run the setup file from the directory where you saved it. Follow the instructions through the installation process.
3. Run GEMLinkW 3.0 and connect the unit to the computer using the “data transfer cable” (6pin to 9pinD and the USB to RS232 if needed) supplied with your unit.
4. From the GEMLinkW controls select the serial port where you actually connected the magnetometer.
5. From the GEMLinkW tools menu open the Software Upgrade utility and just follow the step by step instructions from the computer screen. You can obtain additional information from the “Help” menu or pressing F1.
When prompted “… locate and open the source file”, open the source file you saved in step 1. Make sure you use the file with the name corresponding to the unit you want to upgrade. The embedded serial number of the file must match with the serial number of the unit or the upgrade will not proceed.
Comments or Questions?
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